As 2019 approaches, I have already began to think about the self-intentions I want to put in motion for the beginning of another brand new trip around the sun. As this year comes to an end, with all of the holiday buzz and festivities, I often find that most of us forget to remove the chaos from our lives and remember to enjoy the moments that this time of year gives us. We acquire many moments of giving, of receiving, moments with family and friends that we have not seen in some time, moments of random kindness with strangers; people spreading holiday well-wishes. But most of us get wrapped up (literally) in our to-do lists, our traveling plans (and the traffic that comes with them) along with how there "just isn't enough time". Although when it all comes down to it, what really matters is your perspective.
With my most recent job in retail, I had more than one person comment to me, "I bet you're just excited for it all to be over, aren't you?"(referring to the busyness of the store from the holiday shopping). To be honest, I think that perhaps in the past, I would have confirmed their question with a sigh and a "you bet!", or some other affirmation. But, this year I have completely turned a page in my life, (call it what you wish, but I call it growth, baby!) - and instead of agreeing with wanting the hustle and bustle of the holidays to be over, I began responding with the words "actually, I'm just enjoying it all." Simple, positive, but usually not what many people expect. And most of the time, my opposing response just reflected a blank stare, and the person usually shrugged and said nothing in return, or just walked away responding with a half-hearted "happy holidays." But, there were a select few who were surprised by response, and they actually almost seemed to have been snapped back into reality by what I said. I even had one woman say "wow, good for you! Maybe I should give that a try, huh?" And she left with a thank you, a huge smile, and from what I could tell a turn-around in her holiday spirit.
Sometimes, I think that all it takes is a small, simple act during what we usually view as "chaos" to remind ourselves that the definition of chaos is only created through us, through our actions, and how we view situations. In years passed I have been guilty of letting chaos get the best of me. But this year I wanted to truly find simplicity among every detail of not only the holidays, but in my daily lifestyle. I began viewing situations with more optimism, more ease and less stress (fun fact! that is actually on my self-intentions list for this month!), and I found that once I realized that many, if not most things, were out of my control, I began to enjoy the simple moments, especially of what the holiday season brings us, with more passion and love in my heart than I think I ever have.
For instance, traffic is becoming a time to spend reflecting on my day, or as it was during my shared ride home Friday night, time that I got to share with my brother. Wrapping gifts isn't a chore, it is an enjoyment and an opportunity for me to adorn gifts for those that I love, with love! And most importantly, feeling like I need to give more to receive more, is completely thrown away. Happiness is found in the little things, in the moments we usually let zoom right past us. From finding simplicity, I have began to realize what being more intentional in my life means, which brings me to my next big act of self-care as I continue with joy through this seasons end and approach the new year:
I will live with intention. A lifestyle choice that I have decided I want to consistently set in motion and carry with me not only through the first month of 2019, but through the entire year. All 365 days, I want to live with simplicity, with more clarity, and with minimalistic choices. I want to remove all chaos and clear out the clutter! I mean this in several ways:
1. I am going to clear out any negative energy from my mind so that only wholesome thoughts are welcome. Like attracts like! With an optimistic perspective, I will attract positivity and radiate love.
2. I am going to appreciate the little things- quiet evenings alone, the flavor of a new tea, the smell of a different essential oil, a walk on a trail with my loved ones, fresh picked flowers, the sounds of a windy and stormy evening, the simple joy that sun on my face always brings me - the moments that most of us take for granted, I will hold more dear in my heart.
3. I am going to live with and consume less- this ranges from less stress to less physical, tangible things. I am making a promise to be even more environmentally conscious then I am now. I want to produce less waste! Less plastic, less paper, less trash and even recycling. I will remove anything that doesn't serve me, from energy to actual things. I realize that there is so much around me in my room and in my living space that I do not need or even USE. I am going to remove anything from all aspects of my life and my space that does not have any purpose or that does not serve me in any way. In return, I know that de-cluttering will absolutely bring me less stress, and more clarity and appreciation.
Living with intention to me means that everything of the most sincerest value will be in my life, and that anything and everything that in any way distracts me from what I find most valuable to me will be utterly and completely removed from my presence and my thoughts. 2018 has taught me so much, and I'm so excited to move forward with my life by becoming more intentional, and allowing that to open even more paths for me on my journey.
So, there you have it. Removing chaos (not just during the holiday season, but in our everyday!), finding simplicity in every moment and situation that presents itself to us in the best way we possibly can, and becoming intentional (living a life with only the most important, most valuable moments, possessions and thoughts). - My self-intentions are being manifested and set in motion! Try a new perspective, de-clutter, and allow positivity to rapidly flow in to your life.
I'm ready for 2019, are you?