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Becoming A Mind-Walker

Writer: A Resilient GoudaA Resilient Gouda

January has already blessed me in so many ways. One of them being that I've been fortunate enough to have finally been blessed with the opportunity to move in with my brother, and relocate to a place that is much closer to my friends and to my incredible boyfriend - something that I feel like I've waited for forever to happen, and now it has when I least expected it to (like most beautiful things). Second to that, I managed to land a job that involves wellness in so many shapes and sizes - something that I am very passionate about, and now get to experience it and share it with others each and everyday. The owners of this beautiful place of business (that I now to get surround myself in five days a week) are two awesome, super cool and super inspiring people that I get to learn new things from everyday, and my coworkers are kind, helpful, and welcoming.

The best things come when we stop searching for them.

It caught me completely out of the blue. But I took a chance and I am the happiest, luckiest lady in the world. I never thought that I would be a 9-5, five-days-a-week working kind of girl, but this isn't your typical 40 hour work week job. This job, is very very special. Truth Mind & Body (go check out the website, it's amazing!) is a wellness center that involves numerous, helpful and unique forms of self-care. We (of course) have yoga, which I of course was and still am extremely thrilled about, because becoming a more intuitive and experienced yogi is a never ending goal of mine. There are also countless forms of body work that you can experience - deep tissue massage, reflexology massage, Thai yoga massage - and then, we have amazing energy work such as healing touch, and reiki. Now, these are just a small handful of the opportunities that we offer at Truth Mind & Body. I haven't even told you my favorite part - it consists of 300 gallons of water, 1100 pounds of Epsom salt, magnesium and an indescribable form of relaxation and natural energy like no other. I'm talking about float tanks. Uncharted territory for many, and it was for me until I began working around them and knew that I had to see what they were all about. Now, I am utterly and entirely obsessed.

There are different forms of sensory deprivation tanks. At Truth Mind & Body however, ours are like your own, personal little cabin. You have room to stand up, walk around even - and a private magnetic door with an easy in-and-out entrance. Magical blue lights illuminate the ceiling inside of the float cabin, while a blue glow highlights around the bottom where about 10 inches of water (filled with Epsom salt) sits. Everyone has their own experience, but I felt like I was entering my own little slice of heaven - it was like I had been waiting for this experience for years and years.

Above, are two small photos of just *a peek* at what you get to indulge yourself in when visiting our float tanks. (Fun fact - today was my second experience floating, and it was more different and even more fabulous than the first experience, if you can believe it!)

Now, I don't want to go through and try to explain the logistics of it all to you - you'll just have to come visit our beautiful abode at Truth Mind & Body so you can check it out for yourselves! However, I'd love to share my own personal experience with you, just because I am so giddy from it, it's hard to not want to share!

My first experience, I entered into the vast unknown... it took my a little while to adjust to the fact that I was literally, weightless. I was floating on the water. Imagine the dead sea, but in your own little cube-like room that is nice and toasty with a warm deep sea-blue lighting. For about the first 20 minutes upon entering my first float, I truly just swam around on my back, moving my arms every which way, feeling like (what I assume to be) how astronauts feel when they enter space. Also, I'm not sure how many of you know the movie All Dogs Go To Heaven, but the scene where Charlie and Annabelle dance around in heaven was exactly how I felt in the float -

- yes, that is LITERALLY how I felt.

Careless. Full of joy and like I found this immense amount of peace. It's so hard to describe, but I just felt wholesome.

Today, during my second float experience, I almost immediately fell asleep. They say if you're "a floater", then this typically happens to you effortlessly, that your "mind walks". And let me just say, it's no joke... During my first float, I drifted off only towards the end of my hour in the water (I think I spent too much time sloshing-around pretending to Annabelle - it's just SO darn fun.) Today however, I got in, became quickly acclimated to my *cozy comfy* floater position, and was out! (Emphasis on the Zzzzzz's !!!)

I don't remember much (I was totally zonked, not even kidding) but I do know that I dreamt of early July, with the oceans waves crashing nearby - I couldn't see them, but I could hear them. If you know me, you know that this is probably, almost definitely, my highest form of comfort and happiness. I felt so deep into my sleep, that my dream even had this warmth to it, like I could feel the sun on my skin. I woke up, very ambivalently I might add, but feeling sort of... emotionally and spiritually heavy in a good way, which I quite truthfully didn't even know was possible. It was like nothing I've ever experienced, and so of course... I'm now one hundred and ten percent, as they say, a floater.

I'm hooked. I am already eager to get in there again and dream another dream, sleep another magical deep sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and in tune with myself and more in love with my everyday - because that is something that floating does for me. It awakens something inside of me! Self-care guys, it does wonders!

This all being said, please take into consideration that floating totally isn't for everyone, but I do think that it's something that everyone should try at least once, because you never know what it could awaken within you! And of course, please please *pretty* please... come visit me at Truth Mind & Body in Sparks Maryland when you decide to float - we have the best atmosphere (and staff, *wink wink*) and we absolutely love to hear about floating experiences! Wishing you all a very happy, self-love filled Tuesday. Warm wishes, and happy floating.


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